Scenic culture


Folk legend

Folk legend


1. The legend of Thunder Cave

"Born to be a Leigong Cave, located in the mountains of Huping." During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a natural stone cave was discovered in the Grand Canyon at the junction of the lower city of Yijiahe Village in Zhelin and Dahuping. The cave was 5 meters high and more than 300 meters deep. On both sides of the cave gate, two stone pillars with the same height as the cave stand naturally, and they are called "General Trees". The cave is a place for immortals to enjoy the coolness. According to reports, Dahuping villagers invited wizards to pray for rain, burn incense and paper, beat drums and recite mantras, and responded to requests repeatedly. Entering the entrance of the cave, there are 24 steps inside. The rain prayer first leans forward and then leans down to the next step, repeating the same step to complete the 24 steps. After burning incense and praying at the entrance of the cave, he entered the cave to catch a small snake, and quickly returned to the local temple altar. The shaman acted in the air, and then released the small snake. At that time, the wind was strong, the dark clouds were rolling, and the heavy rain was torrential. People think that Lei Gong is in charge of wind and rain, so this cave is called Lei Gong Dong.
According to legend, there is a family on the mountain whose surname is Cai Minghong. The family enshrines King Luo Bodhisattva. This Bodhisattva is the nephew of the Jade Emperor in the sky. He prayed for the blessing of King Luo Bodhisattva to explore the cave. He went into the cave to look around, and saw a street in the cave with dazzling sides full of fairy peaches and fruits, but the fairy wouldn't give him food. Cai Minghong couldn't bear the hunger, so she wanted to go home and asked the fairy in the cave where to go back from? The immortal pointed his hand. From then on, he walked to the entrance of the cave. There were two pythons lying on the entrance of the cave. He had to turn over from the python. The python was motionless, scared Cai Minghong into a cold sweat, "Amitabha, God bless, good! "A year of drought, Cai Minghong asked Luo Wang Bodhisattva to ask his uncle Jade Emperor for rain. Luo Wang accidentally overturned the inkstone used by the Jade Emperor, and it rained like soy sauce for seven days and seven nights.
There is a legend that the locals hold red and white weddings and can borrow golden bowls, golden chopsticks, and golden cups from the immortals in the cave. Burning paper and firing cannons in the cave, burning incense, and praying. A small hole slightly thicker than a bowl appears on the wall of the cave. There is a small stone in the cave that will open automatically. You can take out the golden bowl, golden chopsticks, and golden cup by reaching into the cave, but you must keep the number return. One year, someone left a golden cup privately and not returned it. Lei Gong was furious, suddenly lightning and thunder, withdrew the golden cup and closed the door. Since then, no one can borrow the fairy tableware in the cave.
Dahuping people admire Leigong Cave very much, and it has been well preserved so far, presenting itself in the Grand Canyon in its original form and original ecology.


2. The origin of Luohan cuisine

Luohancai is produced in the alpine wetland at an altitude of more than 800 meters in Dahuping, Yijiahe Village, Zhelin. It is nourished by mountain rain and dew. It is a pure natural wild green treasure. The annual output of fresh vegetables is only 5,000 kg. Luo Hancai has extremely high requirements for the surrounding growth environment. Only in a unique climate and absolutely pollution-free environment can it grow on its own without artificial cultivation. Transplanting elsewhere, the variation is obvious. Therefore, Dahuping is the only good place to grow Luohancai in the whole county, with a history of more than 1,400 years.
According to legend, there was a temple in Dahuping in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and there were more than 20 families living around it. Due to the steep mountain roads, traffic jams, and almost isolation from the rest of the world, people live in extremely difficult conditions, so they have to eat on the mountains, rely on wild vegetables and fruits to fill their hunger, and live the difficult days of not covering their bodies and eating, but they believe in Buddhism. In order to worship the Bodhisattva, I had to use the best wild fruits collected from the mountain as offerings, and the time passed forever, which moved the Western Buddha. One winter night, the Buddha entrusted a dream to the temple abbot and said: The mountain people here are simple and kind. In order to be religious to Buddhism, I gave a cool and delicious vegetable here, and sent eighteen arhats here to sow. Vegetables grow every year during the Qingming period. In the second year, a piece of green vegetables grew in the front and back of the mountain houses, covering an area of ​​about 200 acres. At first, they didn’t know what to eat and didn’t dare to eat them. So, they asked the abbot of the temple, and the abbot told him the reason. It has become a home-cooked dish for the mountain people. It is cool and delicious, and tastes excellent. According to the abbot of Buddhism Tuomeng, Luohan cuisine has its magical features. The food for children can dissolve food and eliminate calamities, and grow up healthily. Adults can eat for health and benefit the body. It will not give birth to all diseases. This dish is very good. I don’t know what its name is. The mountain people also asked the abbot of the temple to name this dish. The abbot thought for a moment and thought that this dish was planted by the eighteen arhats sent by the Buddha, so he named Luohancai. Therefore, Luohancai got its name.
3. Legend of Wei Yuan

Wei Yuan was born in the fifteenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1382). He was born in Weijiashan, Yijiahe Village, Zhelin Town, and died in 1444. His appearance is not good, but clever, he was born in a poor family and had no money for him to study. His mother was a widow, but he knew books and gifts. He used sand trays as paper and willow branches as pens. He taught his son to read and read. Uncle Li Zhiwan couldn't bear it and called his nephew. He studied at a private school. A year later, one day my husband took a full house of students out to play poems, but Wei Yuan didn’t go. He accidentally found a folding fan at home by his cousin, so he opened it, and saw a plum blossom tree in the fan with a chrysanthemum next to it. In a pond, there is a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water. Wei sees the scene of love and loves his cousin, so he writes a poem: "One tree gets plums, one plant gets chrysanthemums, and a pair of mandarin ducks sleep in the water. Come to Aier, I don’t know if you want it or not.” The cousin told her father about the incident, and the father asked her husband to find out about the matter. Wei Yuan was blunt and admitted that it was him. There was a pair of golden carp inkstones placed in front of him, and he said to Wei Yuan, if I can chant the fan poem, I will complete you. Wei Yuan thinks a little bit and chants a poem on paper. The poem said: "A piece of ink, a bowl of water, A pair of golden carps are difficult to tail. One day the storm will move and they will jump out of the dragon gate for thousands of miles." The husband was shocked. The poem was very powerful and ambitious. After hearing the words from the husband, his uncle called Wei Yuan to him and told him to take three steps forward. He asked him to take three steps back. Wei Yuan said: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, the ambition can not be lost, and you can only move forward and not back." After hearing this, his uncle was secretly delighted, and this person will become a great weapon in the future. , So the husband is the old man under the moon, and Wei Yuan and his cousin are married. After several years of studying for books, the exams were opened in Beijing, and Wei Yuan was admitted to the Jinshi. During his tenure in Zhejiang Futai, his political achievements were outstanding and won the appreciation of the emperor. He successively appointed Shangshu of the Court of Etiquette, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Penalty. As an important official of the dynasty, he was a clean official, loyal to the emperor and loves the people. He was famous in the world for the upright officials and famous ministers of the dynasty. However, he caused the envy of his colleagues and was framed by his colleagues in every possible way. The emperor listened to the treacherous words, believing them in doubt. In order to prove Wei Yuan, the emperor called Wei Yuan to the palace and asked: "What is the taste of eating all over the world, and what is the taste of using all over the world." Wei replied: "Eating all over the world salt is ignorant, and using all over the world money is tasteful." The emperor thought to himself, if I eat all over the world, the delicacy of mountains and seas is not as good as salt? Is the pearl agate in the palace not as good as money? The emperor was furious at once, "Bold Wei Yuan, isn't it a mockery of what he said? The ministers are usually very true." He was sentenced to death for the crime of deceiving the emperor, and immediately decreed: "Let me beheaded." Wei Yuan was on the verge of punishment. Two requirements were made to the emperor: one is not to eat salt in the palace for seven days, and the other is not to use money for seven days in the palace. According to the emperor's decree, no salt was eaten in the palace for seven days, the civil and military officials were weak, and the barracks were cut off for food and grass without money for seven days. The emperor woke up, "Wei Yuan's words are reasonable" and regretted beheading Wei Chen by mistake.
is a thick burial of Wei Yuan. One hundred cypress coffins were used in the palace to bury Wei Yuan's corpse in his hometown. Only one of the 100 coffins contained Wei Yuan's corpse, and the remaining coffins only had a few nails. Unexpectedly, when the boat went to the Laoye Temple in Poyang Lake, Wucheng, suddenly there was lightning and thunder, dark clouds rolling, violent storms, and all the 99 coffins without Wei Yuan's corpse were turned over to the Laoye Temple, except for the ship with Wei Yuan's corpse. It was transported smoothly to Wentangyuan (now Yijiahe Village) without sinking, and was buried in Lengshuidang, Heshui Village. The tomb faces north and south. The area of ​​the cemetery is about half acre. The stone monument stands in front of the tomb, accompanied by stone people, stone sheep and stone horses. .
4, the legend of peach blossom tip

Taohuajian is located in the south of Sima Village, Zhelin Town, Yongxiu County. The mountain is more than 900 meters high and there is an ancient temple in the mountains. The green hills, cliffs, and gurgling springs here are extremely beautiful and famous. There was a young long-time worker named Huang Jing, who could not stand the oppression of the rich man, and fled to this uninhabited place, opened mountains and roads, reclaimed wasteland and cultivated land, and built a home with diligent hands. One day, the Peach Blossom Fairy went out to play and saw a young and beautiful man in the mortal world. She was industrious and simple, so she developed a heart of admiration. She secretly went down to the world and married Huang Jing without the knowledge of the empress. After a long time, the Queen Mother called her name and found that the Peach Blossom Fairy was not in the heavenly palace, and forced the ladies to tell the truth. The ladies had no choice but to tell the truth. Therefore, the Empress Empress sent the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to capture them, and the Peach Blossom Fairy insisted not to return to the palace, and fought with the heavenly soldiers for a few rounds. When the mountain opened up, Lei Gong spent all his troubles, helpless, the handwriting of Lei Gong remained on the cliffs, and there is still no vegetation.
One year, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, a woodman went up to the mountain to chop wood. He saw two immortals playing chess in the mountains and stopped watching chess for a long time. Then one immortal reminded Shiifu that you have come here so many days, according to " Seven days in the middle of the mountain, thousands of years in the world." It is estimated that you have been here for more than a thousand years, and you should go back quickly. The woodcutter replied: "I don't know where the road is, where is my home, dozens of generations apart, and no one knows him." The fairy said: "No hurry, I will pick a peach blossom, and flow along the water, peach blossoms flow. Wherever you go, it is your home.” The woodcutter found his home according to the fairy's statement, and the descendants opened the family tree, and it was true. A few years, the woodcutter died. The descendants of the woodcutter get the aura of the peach blossom fairy, and the heirs multiply very quickly, all of them are smart, knowledgeable, and talented. There were many officials in the dynasty. The largest official in the Song dynasty was Sima. The magistrate of the dynasty named this place Sima. Later, in order to commemorate the peach blossom fairy, people called this mountain Peach Blossom Mountain, and the peak was called Peach Blossom Point. Nowadays, people still talk about watching the mountains and watching the rain, which is known as the experience of "wearing a hat with a peach blossom tip (cloud cover), and heavy rain is coming".

5. Legends of Crucian Mountain and Monkey Rock

Crucian Carp Mountain and Monkey Rock are located on the north and south sides of the Zhelin Reservoir dam. Before the dam was built, the two mountains dominated the north and south banks of the Xiuxiu River.
Legend 1: According to legend, in the late Tang and early Song Dynasties, Yongxiu was named Haihun (the county is located in Wucheng, Poyang Lake), and Haihun people were mostly immigrants from the Loess Plateau in Shanxi. During the heyday of the sea, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. However, the Dragon Palace Demon Dragon had bad intentions, not to let the people of Haiyun live a good life, and was ready to rain seven or forty-nine days to submerge Haiyun. The people in the sea are about to be extinct. The angel heard this letter and was anxious. He found the general in the middle of the night to discuss. The cock crowing must not grow longer. This is the folklore "Monkey Rock, grows over, and crucian carp, grows over the river." When the gods were discussing matters, a boat docked under Monkey Rock, and the boatman was frightened in a cold sweat. If the two mountains are closed, wouldn't his life be hard to save. The boatman is anxious and learns how to call chickens before the hour. The boatman escaped. But Hai Hun was submerged by the flood and turned into rubble. A few years later, Haifa was rebuilt. A Taoist master who had cultivated a righteous fruit passed through Zhelin. He stopped at Crucian Mountain and Monkey Cliff. He looked from left to right and said, "There are thousands of people worshiping each day, and thousands of people at night. Beacon".
Myth 2: In ancient times, there was a merchant who went to repair water from Wucheng to do business, ship to Monkey Rock, and anchored in the middle of the river at night. In the middle of the night, the merchant was awakened by the quarrel. Who grows fast. Monkey Rock said: "My Monkey Rock will grow over soon." Crucian Carp Mountain also said unconvinced: "My crucian carp will grow across the river immediately." After speaking, the two mountains moved straight to the center of the river. When the merchant heard this, he hurriedly woke the boatman to sail, but the boat hadn't sailed yet and the two mountains were about to approach. Seeing that his life was hard to save, the businessman was so anxious that he was sweating like rain. When he was in a critical situation, suddenly, an old man with a white beard shouted: "You all wait a minute, wait a minute, I am the god of the mountain. I can't do anything without reporting. If you want to grow across the river, you have to wait for a thousand years before you make plans." Monkey Rock and Crucian Fish Mountain were growing to a distance of more than 100 meters and were stopped by the mountain god. Since then, it has become the narrowest place in Xiuhe. The businessman thanked the mountain god for his rescue, and burned incense on the bow of the ship. From then on, all boats passing by Houhouyan had to burn incense, set off firecrackers, worship the mountain gods, and become a habit.
6, the legend of the racecourse

The racecourse is located at the foot of Taohua Mountain in Sima Village, Zhelin Town, on the south bank of Zhelin Lake. It covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 acres and the Jiaowu Highway passes through it. According to legend, during the Ming Dynasty, a farmer surnamed Zhou lived near the spring near the racecourse (now Fanlong Group of Sima Village). He had a son named Zhou Mingyue. His father died young, and the mother and son depended on each other for their lives. Fight firewood to survive. Young Zhou Mingyue loves martial arts, and after farming, she often leads a horse raised by her family to an open field in the back mountain to practice martial arts. After being instructed by a famous teacher, he has worked hard for several years. He has high martial arts skills and is good at swordsmanship. He can fly over the walls without a trace. He is called the "Xianma" with his surname Zhou Zhou. When he reached the age of eighteen, his bad behavior angered the Zhou family and was severely punished by the feudal society. In a rally, a child was used to deceive him with a samurai sword, and several warriors who had been invited in advance immediately tied Zhou Mingyue's five flowers and pushed out the beheading outside the ancestral hall. Due to Zhou Mingyue's high martial arts, the strong men failed to remove his head. The lotus spear (a hooked weapon) only pierced the abdomen, pierced the intestines and flowed out. Zhou endured the intense pain and flew from miles away. When he arrived at home, he pulled out a piece of two-point taro before he died. Afterwards, the family bought a coffin, sealed the coffin with copper nails and buried it deeply, and sunk its armor in the ancient well. Less than one month after Zhou Mingyue's death, the emperor sent an imperial minister to the court to escort the emperor. Unexpectedly, the man was dead. The Zhou family regretted it. They justified it and blamed Zhou for not having this blessing. Later, people called its martial arts field a racetrack.

7, the origin of Yijiahe

Yijiahe was called "Wentangyuan" in ancient times. According to legend, in a winter with snow and ice more than 1,200 years ago, when a poor woodcutter came home from the mountain, chopped wood and passed by, he suddenly fainted by a small puddle due to hunger and cold, and fell asleep groggy. After a while, the woodcutter felt a rush of heating all over his body. He opened his eyes and saw that there was mist-like heat in the puddle. He hurriedly picked up hot water with both hands to quench his hunger and drive away the cold, and he kept talking to himself Say: "Heaven is good, give me warm soup." After returning home, everybody said that he had walked into the treasured land of Wonderland, and moved their home near the puddle within a few days. After the news spread, people continued to move in from outside the mountain, and the woodcutter led everyone to dig the small puddle into a pond, named "Wentangyuan".
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Wen Tangyuan became a village with Yi as the main body. There is a young man in the village named Yijiahe, who lives in the current ranking group of Yijiahe Village. He was very clever since he was a child. He was a private school for a few years, and his integrity was admired by the local people. Xiong Tianrui, the chief examiner of the capital (official to third grade), settled in Yijiashan in his later years, appreciated Yijiahe, accepted him as a son, and betrothed his beloved daughter Yijiahe as his wife.
Yijia Mountain is the place where the seven stars accompany the moon. Unfortunately, the stream in front of the gate is too narrow. If the river can be widened, the Feng Shui would be better. Xiong Tianrui immediately stated to the county government the requirements for the improvement of the river course. After being approved, he organized more than a thousand strong laborers overnight to successfully rebuild the river course overnight. Xiong Tianrui can be described as a local hegemon, enjoying full glory and wealth.
One Mid-Autumn Festival night, the son-in-law Yi Jiahe (lived in the ranking group of Yijiahe Village, one kilometer away from his father-in-law's house) was invited to his home to enjoy the moon and talk about the present. Suddenly, Xiong Tianrui sighed to the sky: I am so powerful, it is inevitable that there is something unpopular in doing things. People dare to be angry but dare not say anything. Who can do me at the time! Many of the Manchu civil and military officials and local officials were my protégés. He also praised Haikou, if anyone sue me, I would like to offer a piece of ink (long and phoenix ink 7 inches long), a dozen pens (twelve pieces), and a knife of paper (bamboo paper) as a complaint tool. After hearing this, my son-in-law said: "You can't say this big story. The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Yi Jiahe, who was dissatisfied, got up to say goodbye to his father-in-law. The father-in-law said: Why? My son-in-law replied: On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, your daughter is alone at home. I can't just try to be happy, but spend a good night with her. It made sense. After obtaining the consent of his father-in-law, he returned home and said to his wife: "You help me prepare the money and luggage, and I will go to the county office to sue your father." The wife said: Why? The answer: I will know later. After the husband went out, she rushed to make a pair of embroidered shoes for her father overnight, and stitched an embroidery needle in the sole to remind her father that there was a letter in it. After dawn, a maid sent the shoes to his father. When the father tried on the shoes, he felt a tingling sensation in his feet. He found an embroidered needle on the sole of the shoe and hid a letter. After reading it, he was not angry, but laughed. Praise it: "Daughter is not a mismatched person, she is ambitious. If she needs tools to complain, the old man will never break her word and provide the same." Why is the daughter so mysterious? Because of the influence of feudal society, his wife cannot do anything against her husband. When he found out, he took a letter and kicked him out of the house.
Besides, when Yi Jiahe went to the county keeper to sued his father-in-law for privately setting up a factory to build weapons, gathering ground ruffians to practice martial arts and other matters, the county official told the county magistrate that he heard that he was suing Xiong Tianrui. My teacher, the two sons-in-law told his father-in-law that he was rare in the world, and he was ill-intentioned. That was fine. Regardless of the reason, he immediately ordered a 40-board replay and was sent to jail for 3 years. After his prison term expired, he went to Nankang Mansion (now Nanchang). Who knew that the provincial government official was also a student of Xiong Tianrui. He could not help but be jailed for another three years. After being released from prison, Yi Jiahe was unyielding and reported Xiong Tianrui to the Penal Department of the capital. As a result, the three-year prison disaster caused Yi Jia to be exhausted and desperate. He who wanted to kill Xiong Tianrui had no choice but to risk his life. One day, when the emperor heard the news that he went out of the palace, he stopped the road and knelt and cried out for grievances. The emperor got off the sedan chair. Yijiahe, Xiong Tianrui, wanted to oppose the imperial court. He recruited troops and bought horses at Paoma Mountain in Wentangyuan to report three years of building weapons. emperor. The emperor said: How do you know? Answer: Because he is my father-in-law. The emperor said again: Why don't you report to the local government for investigation. The answer: They were all his disciples helplessly. Not only did they not be held accountable, but from the county to the province and then to the criminal ministry, they were sentenced to jail for nine years. When the emperor heard that Long Yan was furious, he immediately sent an imperial minister to investigate the matter, and if it was true, the emperor gave him a capital crime, punished the nine clans, and named Yi Jiahe the Xingbu Shilang (fourth grade official). After Xiong Tianrui's death, his body was buried in the Baitian Formation of Yijiahe Village, Yongxiu County. In 1959, the Likeng Reservoir was built and the purple stone in the tomb was used to build the reservoir. Only the grave remains.
Later, people changed the name of Wentangyuan to Yijiahe in memory of Yijiahe, a selfless, righteous and damaging relative.
8. Yijiahe Hot Spring

Yijiahe Hot Spring is located in Yijiahe Village, Zhelin Town, Yongxiu County. The story of the hot spring has to be told from BC.
 It is said that in BC, a geography feng shui master in Hunan saw a feng shui treasure land, which not only produced nobles but also made a fortune. The mountain range of origin is in Hunan. In order to find the treasures and real caves, according to the direction of the mountains, Mr. Feng Shui led his apprentices on the mountain and wading, starting from Hunan, searching along the mountains, passing Xiushui, Wuning, and finally in Yutang Village, Yijiahe, Yongxiu County Found the main cave of this lotus land. Mr. Feng Shui was overjoyed, "The treasure is mine too"! In order to obtain the treasure land a hundred years later, the secret method of calming the earth’s energy was adopted, and the apprentices were asked to use a compass to fix the position. Who knows that "the blessed land still needs the blessing to climb". This place is not where Feng Shui belongs. It exploded in a moment, and then a blue smoke (according to the ground gas) burst into the sky, and a clear spring several meters high, and it was warm, the water was clear and transparent, containing the smell of sulfur, and the water flowed throughout the year. Constantly, the water temperature is balanced, and the Yijiahe Hot Spring has been created since then, which integrates fitness and treatment, especially for skin diseases, and makes the hot spring benefit the people. In the mid-1960s, the masses of Yijiahe Village built the hot spring into an open-air bath for everyone to take a bath. Yijiahe is a village of longevity, which is largely derived from hot springs.
9, the origin of Sima

The name Sima originated in the Western Jin Dynasty (265 years) and has a history of 1746 years. Its predecessor was Taohuazhuang. Why was it changed to Sima? From ancient times to the present, there is a folk story: There is a scholar named Zhang in Taohuazhuang. He was talented and clever since he was a child. He was a private school for several years. He has learned all the five classics and four books. In the year of the imperial examination in Beijing, on the way to Beijing for the exam, he suddenly saw an ant nest falling from a tree into a pond. Zhang Sheng felt compassion, so he took off his shoes and socks and went into the cold water to fish the ant nest. The ants are reborn. The ant also knows the gratitude report. Zhang Sheng, who is full of economics, unexpectedly forgot to write a character in the exam question when he picked up his pen during the exam. The examiner found an ant lying on it when he changed the paper. As a point for the character "horse", the examiner dialed three times in a row, but the ant still returned to the position of the character "horse" and remained motionless. Only then did the examiner come back to his senses, and the mere ants must have formed an indissoluble bond with the examinee or repay the examinee with practical actions. So, the examiner asked the examinee about this matter. After Zhang Sheng explained the reason, the examiner said "Oh". It turned out that the ant is righteous, but I was puzzled. I resolutely raised my respect. This student is not only talented, but also moral. Sheng's beautiful article won the hearts of the examiner, and said with emotion: This is the pillar of my dynasty! In one try, the title of the gold list, the emperor hand-picked as the champion, has been an official for several years, has a clean and honest government, has a prominent political achievement, and won the emperor's favor. He was soon named a Sima official, official to third grade, and a book of courtesy. An imperial plaque, which has been stored in the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall for more than a thousand years. After Zhang Sheng became the boss of Sima Guan, Jian Qingche returned to his hometown. In return for his hometown, he invested in the construction of an archway at the entrance of the village, named "Huamenlou", and dug a pond in the village to relieve the people of their worries about drinking water and farmland irrigation. To thank Zhang Sheng, the villagers have since renamed Taohuazhuang Simazhuang. When Bai Juyi, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty, was relegated to Sima in Jiangzhou, he visited Yunju Mountain several times to compose poems and walked to Simazhuang to watch the blooming peach blossoms. The name Sima has been inherited today.
10, Longtan

Longtan is located on the right side one kilometer from the entrance of the Xiacheng cave. The pool water is green and 4 meters deep. It has been filled up by Taohuaxi Scenic Area and changed to a drifting river. On the top of the mountain on the left, there are two huge boulders, one looks like a dragon's head, and one directly in front of the dragon's head looks like a dragon ball. With the opposite ridge, the two dragons hold the pearl.
Legend has it that a blue dragon fell in love with a yellow dragon on Mt. Emei in Sichuan. Bailong was jealous and wanted to compete with the blue dragon for a spouse. Fighting in the air, the sky was dark and the sky was shaking. The Jade Emperor was shocked and sent Lei Gong to uniform. After Lei Gong took his order, he threw a sky thunder near Monkey Rock. When the two dragons were fighting with integrity, there was only a loud noise, and a large pit was blasted out by the mountain stream. Later, the rain filled the pit, which was called "Dragon Pool". The Bailong and Qinglong who died here, turned into two big mountains, guarding the cave entrance in the lower city to protect the safety of one party.
11. The origin of Zhelin

Legend has it that in the spring of 618 AD, the poet Li Bai took a small boat along the Xiuhe to visit Lushan Mountain. By now it was getting late and he wanted to stay there. Encountering a woodman by chance, the poet asked what the name of this place was, and replied: "No name, please call the official name." Li Bai looked around and saw dense forests, towering ancient trees, full of cedar trees, and wrote a poem: "The lush forests are all over the eyes, and an oasis is harvested. The evergreen roots are ingrained in all seasons, and the fertile soil is the cedar forest." The woodcutter said: "How good is the place name'Zhelin'?" The woodcutter nodded and applauded. From then on, he named Zhelin, which is still in use today.

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